Renewable Thermal Energy

Organizations are Adopting RNG

With emissions from heating and cooling on the rise, stakeholders are beginning to hold corporations accountable. Facility operators and sustainability professionals are left to weigh options for reducing thermal related Scope 1 emissions—options that can be simplified.


Reduce Operations Emissions With Thermal Energy

Renewable natural gas is used in place of conventional fossil fuels to reduce heating related emissions.

  • Addresses Scope 1 emissions which comprise ~25% of U.S. energy use
  • Leverages renewable natural gas (RNG) or responsibly sourced natural gas (RSG) to provide immediate reductions
  • Reduces reliance on conventional fossil fuels


— Wall Street Journal

Reduce Emissions Incurred from Heating Facilities and Process Heat

Provides uninterrupted supply of low carbon, renewable natural gas

Avoids the burden of capital expenditures, operational disruptions, and facility upgrades

Validates environmental benefits through proven attribute tracking

Paves the path for new projects, meeting “additionality” requirements

U.S. Energy™ Can Help

Facility operators don’t have to wait to drive meaningful change today. For those organizations already using conventional natural gas to heat their facilities, renewable natural gas is the only true, proven drop-in solution preventing facility upgrades, ongoing maintenance, and disruptions to operations.

U.S. Energy, a U.S. Venture company, is driving growth for upstream development of RNG as well as downstream distribution of supply. Safeguard your transition with supply you can rely on, partners you can trust, and change you can expedite.

Ready to get started?


As we convert our dedicated fleet to run on zero-emission technology, we’ll be able to reduce our transportation footprint by more than 18%, making our sustainability vision possible.

— Scott Blair, Anheuser-Busch

This important and forward-thinking partnership demonstrates our ability to provide our valued customers and communities with sustainable energy solutions and technologies that are environmentally friendly

John Hester, CEO and President of Southwest Gas

This will help us reduce greenhouse gas emissions while saving up to $1.2 million in operating costs.

— M.J. Maynard, CEO of RTC

Eliminating costly purchases and turning fuel consumption into revenue is a perfect example of the creative thinking and problem solving we need in our community.

— Chuck Bennett, Mayor of Salem

This is a win-win for our community because our air will be cleaner and our impact to the global climate system is reduced even further.

—Ian Davidson, Board President of Cherriots

The transition was simple. Not only were we able to use our existing sites, but the process itself was exactly the same. In fact, the only changes were positive. Now we can generate revenue and reinvest it back into our operations.

—Daniel Knauss, Procurement & Contracts Manager at Cherriots

This new partnership builds on our efforts and we’re pleased to not only partner with a firm that shares the same philosophy, but also for the benefits this relationship creates.

—Peter Testa, President at Testa Produce

From initial registration, to quarterly data reporting, to noting changes in fleet composition or charger types, they’ve managed the entire process, enabling me to manage our fleet.

—Brad Uptgraft, Director of Operations at Tire’s Warehouse